Views on Mindfulness from the African Caribbean Diaspora

Some Important Voices in the field

Ruth King

Dr Michael Yellow Bird

Valerie Mason John

Konda Mason 

Dr Shelly P Harrell

George Mumford

Professor Rhonda Magee – supporter and friend

Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams

Well known Mindful Advocates

Kobe Bryant, Phil Jackson and the Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers Teams

Russel Simmons – A Co Founder of Def Jam Records

More from Me on the importance of Mindfulness for People of colour as I look up to just a few of those I continue to learn from and be inspired by, even from a distance.

If Mindfulness is innate, then it must have existed in the first human civilisations. Where can we see mindfulness in other ancient indigenous civilised cultures and what did they call it and how did they practice it?

MAAT – The Original African Lady of Justice.

There are thousands of research papers on the effective application of Mindfulness training that has fuelled it’s interest in recent years. However, whilst the western scientific evidence base that supports mindfulness as an alternative and complementary practice to medication based interventions for mental health concerns is stong and building. There is still much to understand about the potential of mindfulness in the context of its application as a social and cultural change agent that leads to our pro social and collective wellbeing and flourishing. 

This is something we feel is important to highlight, recognise and explore at the Urban Mindfulness Foundation becuase it is this gap in the evidence base that informs our practice, involvement and interest in mindfulness research and its applications. Read more here….