Membership Options

Membership Options

We have created several membership options that offer discounts on individual course purchases. Our goal is to make sure that you can access MBIT online courses at your own pace and at affordable prices. However, if you prefer to purchase courses individually, you can do so by selecting the course you want to purchase from here.

Please note that only the JEDI Warrior membership provides full discounted access to all our online training courses and modules. If you choose to buy the Initiate, Advocate, Champion or Veteran memberships, you will still need to purchase the remaining courses in the later modules separately to complete the MBIT online program.

We have structured our courses to progress and deepen your practice over time as you move through the training. Therefore, you can only purchase courses in the set sequence of modules, starting with the MBIT welcome and Taster course before progressing through Umoja, Sankofa, Ubuntu and Ubele

Standard Free Membership
Sign up today and join the conversation
Access to Inclusive Practice Group
Access to Inclusive Practice Forum
Access to purchase online courses
Access to join other interest groups
JEDI Initiate Membership
Start your MBIT journey
Everything in Standard Free Membership. Plus:
MBIT Welcome online module A
MBIT Taster online module B
JEDI Advocate Membership
Unleash the power of Umoja
Everything in Initiate Membership. Plus:
MBIT Umoja online module 1
MBIT Umoja online module 2
JEDI Champion Membership
Unleash the power of Sankofa
Everything in Advocate Membership. Plus:
MBIT Sankofa online module 1
MBIT Sankofa online module 2
JEDI Veteran Membership
Unleash the power of Ubuntu
Everything in Champion Membership. Plus:
MBIT Ubuntu online module 1
MBIT Unbuntu online module 2
JEDI Warrior Membership
Unleash the power of Ubele
Everything in Veteran Membership. Plus:
MBIT Ubele online module 1
MBIT Ubele online module 2